Beaded Clarinet
What you need: 1) Size 11/0 glass seed beads (black) 2) Seven 4mm and ten 3mm clear Swarovski Bicone crystals 3) 3 Long eye pin and 3 short loop eye pin. 4) Beading string (0.25mm), round head pliers. Always pull tight on every step!
Step 1: |
- Cut one piece of string around 10 cm long.
Add three beads and crisscross the other end of the thread through the last added bead (shown where both arrows exits from).
Step 2: |
- Continue to: (note: use 3mm crystals)
Add on the bottom (blue) string, one crystal, two beads and one last crystal. Continue to crisscross the other string (red) through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked A.
Step 3: |
- Continue to:
Add on the right (red) string, two new beads and one last crystal.
Continue to crisscross the other string (blue) through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old bead and crystal from step 1 and 2 marked A and
Step 4: |
- Continue to:
Add on the top (blue) string, two new beads. Continue to crisscross the other string (red) through the last added bead.
Step 5: |
- Continue to:
Add on the left (red) string, one crystal, three beads and one last crystal. Continue to crisscross the other string (blue) through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 2 marked A.
Step 6: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom (blue) string, three beads and one last crystal. Continue to crisscross the other string (red) through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 2 marked A.
Step 7: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom (red) string, three beads and one last crystal. Continue to crisscross the other string (blue) through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 3 marked A.
Step 8: |
- Continue to:
Add on the right (blue) string, three beads and one last crystal. Continue to crisscross the other string (red) through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 3 marked A.
Step 9: |
- Continue to:
Add on the right (red) string, three new beads and one last crystal. Continue to crisscross the other string (blue) through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old bead and crystal from step 4 and 5 marked A and
Step 10: |
- Continue to:
Add on the top (blue) string, three beads. Continue to crisscross the other string (red) through the last added bead.
Step 11: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom (blue) string, 1 bead, pass the same string through the 3 beads beside and add 1 bead, (keep repeating the same technique). Add a total of 6 beads on this step. Tie off and leave this aside for later use.
Step 12: |
- Take the three short loop eye pin, bent them with a round head pliers into horse shoe shape.
Step 13: |
- Continue to:
Add 8 beads and cut away excess wire leaving 1cm to bent a loop with a round head pliers.
Make two more of these but with 5 beads.
Meaning you will have one 8 beads and two 5 beads beaded horse shoe shape.
Step 14: |
- Joining: Continue to:
Take the long eye pin, add one bead, followed by the cone you made from step 1 to 11 (if you can find a large cone shape bead you can skip step 1 to 11), followed by adding the small horse shoe with a 4mm crystal, one 4 mm crystal, the next small horse shoe with a 4mm crystal, one 4mm crystal, the large horse shoe with two 4mm crystal, one 4mm crystal, one bead and one last 3mm crystal.
Cut away excess pin wire leaving only 1cm to curl with a round head pliers.