Beaded Cupcakes
(both of the cupcakes in the photos uses the same tutorial but different materials)
What you need: 1) Crystal Bicones or glass seed beads (use the size you prefer but all must be of the same size) 2) Beading string (0.25mm). 3) One head pin, one insert bead (depending on bead or crystal size used) and one red bead or crystal as
the cherry topping.

Step 1: |
Cut a piece of beaded string around 10 cm long. (note: length depends on the size of beads or crystal you use, the bigger the beads or crystals, the longer the thread)
- Add five brown crystal bicones at the centre of the string and crisscross through the last added crystal to form a crystal circle as shown.
Step 2: |
Continue to:
- Add three brown crystal bicones on the left (black) string and crisscross the other right (red) string through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the black string (the one you used in this step to add new crystals on) down through one old crystal from step 1 marked A.
Step 3: |
Continue to:
- Add two brown crystal bicones on the top (red) string and and crisscross the other bottom (black) string through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used in this step to add new crystals on) down through one old crystal from step 1 marked A.
Step 4: |
Continue to:
- Add two brown crystal bicones on the top (black) string and crisscross the other bottom (red) string through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the black string (the one you used in this step to add new crystals on) through one old crystal from step 1 marked A.
Step 5: |
Continue to:
- Add two brown crystal bicones on the right (red) string and and crisscross the other left (black) string through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used in this step to add new crystals on) through two old crystals from step 1 and 2 marked A and B.
Step 6: |
Continue to:
- Add one brown crystal and crisscross both strings through the new added crystal.
Step 7: |
Tying off for the cupcake cup:
- Working on one side of the string: pass the top (black) string up and around the four old crystals marked
A, B, C
and D.
Tie a dead knot and pass the excess back through the finished piece.
- Now's a good time to try out the size of your insert bead, try placing different sizes of insert beads to see which one fits the best.
Step 8: |
Making the cupcake top:
- Cut a new piece of string around 10 cm long.
Repeat step one with pink crystals.
- Continue after you made the five crystal circle with the pink crystals.
Add four pink crystals on the left (black) string and crisscross the other right (red) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used in this step to add new crystals on) down through one old crystal marked
Step 9: |
Continue to:
- Add three pink crystal bicones on the top (red) string and and crisscross the other bottom (black) string through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used in this step to add new crystals on) down through one old crystal marked
Step 10: |
Continue to:
- Add three pink crystal bicones on the top right (black) string and crisscross the other bottom left (red) string through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the black string (the one you used in this step to add new crystals on) through one old crystal from step 1 marked A.
Step 11: |
Continue to:
- Add three pink crystal bicones on the right (red) string and and crisscross the other left (black) string through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used in this step to add new crystals on) through two old crystals marked
A and B.
Step 12: |
Continue to:
- Add two pink crystals on the bottom (black) string, tie off and pass the excess back through the finished piece.
Step 13: |
Putting it together:
- Take a head pin, add in the cupcake cup brown crystal piece (the beaded piece you made from step 1 to 7).
- Add in one insert bead (size depending on your cupcake cup size)
- Add on the pink cupcake piece you made from step 8 to 12.
- Add one topping cherry (red bead or crystal that's similar in size with your beaded cupcake beads or crystal).
- Measure around one centimeter of head pin from the cherry bead onwards, cut away excess with a wire cutter.
- Using pliers bent the 1 cm head pin excess to an angle.
- Using a round tip pliers to curl the excess pin wire from tip inwards to form a closed metal ring.
- Now you can add hooks of any kind depending what you want to use the beaded cupcake for, as a pendant, a charm or even make one more to make them as earrings.