The pictorials are illustrated with spaces between beads for a clearer direction, in the actual beading, there should be no spaces.
Beaded Christmas Wreath Charm :
What you need:
1) Glass seed beads, size 11/0, 4 different colors (green, white, red and gold). 32pcs size 10/0 clear seed beads. 2) Two 3mm Crystal or tiny silver bells or bell shaped beads 3) Three long eye pin. 4) Beading string and wire (0.25mm)
Note: if you find the coloring of the beads hard to follow, use all the same color beads e.g. white to start beading one first.
Always Remember to pull tight on EVERY STEP.
Step 1: |
Cut a piece of beading string around half meter long.
- Add one green bead on the middle of the string, marked by the black dot.
On the left (black) string, add: one size 10/0 bead, one white size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one green size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one red size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one green size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one white size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one green size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one red size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead.
On the right (blue) string, add: one size 10/0 bead, one red size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one green size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one white size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one green size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one red size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one green size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead, one white size 11/0 bead, one size 10/0 bead,
Add one last green size 11/0 bead and crisscross both lines through this last green bead added. (shown where both arrows are coming out from).
Step 2: |
- (All beads will be size 11/0 from now on) Continue to:
Add three white and one green beads on the right (black) string, crisscross the left (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with
Step 3: |
- Continue to:
Add two green and one red beads on the right (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 4: |
- Continue to:
Add two red and one green beads on the top (black) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old white bead from step 1 marked with
Step 5: |
- Continue to:
Add two green and one white beads on the top (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 6: |
- Continue to:
Add two white and one green beads on the top (black) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 7: |
- Continue to:
Add two green and one red beads on the top (blue) string, crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 8: |
- Continue to:
Add two red and one green beads on the left (black) string, crisscross the right (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with
Step 9: |
- Continue to:
Add two green and one white beads on the left (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 10: |
- Continue to:
Add two white and one green beads on the left (black) string, crisscross the right (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with
Step 11: |
- Continue to:
Add two green and one red beads on the left (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 12: |
- Continue to:
Add two red and one green beads on the bottom (black) string, crisscross the top (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 13: |
- Continue to:
Add two green and one white beads on the bottom (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 14: |
- Continue to:
Add two white and one green beads on the bottom (black) string, crisscross the top (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 15: |
- Continue to:
Add two green and one red beads on the bottom (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with A.
Step 16: |
- Continue to:
Add two red and one green beads on the right (black) string, crisscross the left (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through two old beads from step 1 and 2 marked with A and B.
Step 17: |
- Continue to:
Add one green bead on each side of the string and tie off. Pass the remainder of the string back through the piece for more security.
- Now Repeat step 1 to step 17 to make one more of this beaded circle.
Step 18: |
- Joining the inner circle:
Note: place the two beaded circle you made in mirror image, one on top of the other.
Cut a new piece of string, around 15cm long, add one new green bead on the center of the string. Remember to ignore all the smaller beads. Pass each end of the string through one old bead from each of the beaded circle you made (marked with A). Add one last green bead to crisscross both string through (shown where both arrows are coming out from.
Step 19: |
- Continue to:
Pass each side of the string through one old bead from each of the beaded circle. string (the one you just used to added new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked with (marked with A). Add one last green bead to crisscross both string through (shown where both arrows are coming out from.
Repeat this step for the inside of the beaded circle until you finished adding 18 green beads. Tie off when you have fiinished.
Step 20: |
- Joining the outside circle:
Cut a new piece of string, around 20 cm. Using the exact same technique as joining the inner circle, add one new bead at the center of the string and start adding the beads to join the two beaded circles.
But note the color of the beads added, e.g. a red bead should be added in the middle of four old beads.
Which means, you'll be adding, 3 green, 1 red, 3 green, 1 white, 3 green, 1 red. 3 green, 1 white, 3 green, 1 red. 3 green, 1 white, 3 green, 1 red. 3 green, 1 white. Tie off when you are done.
Step 21: |
- Make two of these:
Take one eye pin and add one crystal or bell shaped bead. cut away excess eye pin leaving only around 1cm to curl with a round head pliers.
Step 22: |
- Take one eye pin and loop one end with the two crystal or bell shaped beads.
Pass the other end up through the middle of the wreath, cut away excess leaving 1cm to curl with a round head pliers.
Step 23: |
- Make the bow:
Cut one piece of wire around 15 cm, pass the thread through the one old bead on the beaded wreath's top center. Balance out both ends of the wire. Add one gold bead at the center of the wire, add 7 gold beads on each side of the wire and pass each end back through the center gold bead you first added. Add 4 gold beads on each side of the string, pass the wire back up through the second last bead of each side continue to pass the wire back up the piece for a more secure piece, no need to tie off.