Step 1: |
- Cut a piece of beading string around half meter long.
- Add five black beads at the exact center of the string. Crisscross the other end of the string through the last added bead, forming a small bead circle as shown.
Step 2: |
- Continue to:
Add one gold, one black (eye), one gold and one black bead on the top left (red) line, crisscross the bottom right (blue) line through the last bead added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).
Step 3: |
- Continue to:
Add one gold, one black (eye) and one gold bead on the bottom (blue) string and crisscross the top string (red) through the last added bead. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).
Step 4: |
- Continue to:
Add three gold beads on the bottom (red) string, crisscross the top (blue) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).
Step 5: |
- Continue to:
Add three gold beads on the right (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string, the one you used to add new beads on, through two old beads from step 1 and 2 (marked A and B).
Step 6: |
- Continue to:
Add two gold beads on the top (red) string, crisscross the bottom (blue) string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 2 (marked A).
Step 7: |
- Continue to:
Add three gold beads on the top (blue) string and crisscross the other end of the string through the last added bead. Continue to pass the blue string, the one you used to add new beads on, through two old beads from step 2 and 3 (marked A and B).
Step 8: |
- Continue to:
Add two gold beads on the left (red) string, crisscross the right (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old beads from step 3 and 4 (marked A and B).
Step 9: |
- Continue to:
Add two gold beads on the bottom (blue) string, crisscross the top (red) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old beads from step 4 and 5 (marked A and B).
Step 10: |
- Continue to:
Add two gold beads on the right (red) string, crisscross the left (blue) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through three old beads from step 5, 6 and 7 (marked A, B and C).
Step 11: |
- Continue to:
Add one gold bead and crisscross both strings through this bead. Continue to pass the red string through three old beads from step 10, 9 and 8 (marked
A, B and C). Continue to pass the blue string through two old beads from 7 and 8 (marked A and C). Both string should crisscross at the same bead marked C.
Step 12: |
- (NOSE) Continue to:
Add one gold bead on each side of the string, and one last gold bead to crisscross both strings through.
Repeat this exact step one more time.
Step 13: |
- Continue to:
After repeating step 12 one more time, pass the left red string up through two beads marked A and B. Pass the right blue string up through two old beads marked A and B.
Step 14: |
- EAR: Continue to:
Add three gold beads on the red string. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through three old beads from step 1 (marked A, B and C).
Repeat for the right side of the ear with the blue string.
Both strings should come crisscross on the same bead marked C.

Step 15: |
- BODY: Continue to:
The gray bead is where you stop at in the previous step (the above step's bead marked C)
Add three black beads on the left (blue) string and crisscross the other string (red) through the last added bead.
Step 16: |
- Continue to:
Add two gold beads on the top (blue) string, crisscross the bottom (red) string through the last bead added.
Step 17: |
- Continue to:
Add one black and two gold beads on the bottom (blue) string, crisscross the top (red) string through the last bead added.
Step 18: |
- Continue to:
Add one gold bead on the top right (red) string. Add three gold bead on the bottom left (blue) string, crisscross the red string through this last bead added.
Step 19: |
- Continue to:
Add one gold bead on the right (red) string, pass the same string up through one black bead from step 15. Add one more gold bead on the same string and pass this string back down through the first bead added on this step.
Step 20: |
- Continue to:
Add one gold bead and one black bead on the top left (blue) string, crisscross the bottom (red) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the blue string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old beads from step 15 and 17 (marked A and B).