The pictorials are illustrated with spaces between beads for a clearer direction, in the actual beading, there should be no spaces.
Beaded Bag Charm :
What you need:
1) Glass seed beads size 11/0 black colour, Crystals size 3mm. 2) Beading string (0.25mm) 3) Jump ring or charm hooks . Always Remember to pull tight on EVERY STEP.
Step 1: |
Cut a piece string around 10 inches long.
- Add five seed beads and one crystal on the exact centre of the string, crisscross the other end through the last crystal added.
Make sure this beaded ring is centralized at the centre of the string.
Step 2: |
- Continue to:
two beads on each side of the string and one last bead to crisscross both strings through.
Step 3: |
- Continue to:
Add two beads on each side of the string and one last crystal to crisscross both strings through.
Step 4: |
- Continue to:
Repeat step 2, Repeat step 3, Repeat step 2, Repeat step 3, Repeat step 2, Repeat step 3, Repeat step 2, Repeat step 3. Follow by the last joining step in which you form some thing like a beaded ring. From where you stopped at the last repetition of step 3, continue to add two new beads on the top (blue) string, pass this blue string down through one old bead from step 1 marked
A. Continue to add two new beads on the bottom (red) string, crisscross the top blue string through the last bead you just added. Continue to pass this red string through one old bead marked
A from step 1.
Step 5: |
- Continue to:
(note: this is the bottom of the bag) Add one seed bead to crisscross both string through. Continue to pass the blue string, back through one old bead marked A. Continue to pass the red string, back through one old bead marked B.
- The bottom picture is the same step but in a different perspective, so that you know how to continue joining up the bottom of the bag in the next steps.

Step 6: |
- Continue to:
seed bead to crisscross both strings through. Continue to pass the red string through two old bead marked
A and B. Continue to pass the blue string through two old bead marked
Step 7: |
- Continue to:
Add one crystal to crisscross both strings through. Continue to pass the blue string through two old bead marked
A and B. Continue to pass the red string through two old bead marked
Step 8: |
- Continue to:
Repeat step 6 and repeat step 7. Follow by adding one seed bead to crisscross both strings through.
Continue to pass the red string through one old bead marked A. Continue to pass the blue string through one old bead marked
Step 9: |
- Continue to:
Add one seed bead to crisscross both strings through.
Continue to pass the red string through four old beads marked A. Continue to pass the blue string through four old beads marked
A. Tie off and pass the excess string back through the finished piece for a more secure knot.
- Cut a new piece of string around 25 inches long, pass this string through one old bead in your finished piece marked with a red dot. Make sure the old bead sits at the center of the new string.
Step 10: |
- Continue to:
Add one seed bead on the top (red) string. Add one crystal and three seed beads on the bottom (blue) string and crisscross the other (red) string through the last bead you just added.
Continue to add one more new seed bead on the blue string, pass the same blue string through one old bead marked A.
Step 11: |
- Continue to:
Add two seed beads and one crystal on the bottom right (red) string and crisscross the other (blue) string through the last crystal added.
Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on this step) through one old bead marked A.
Step 12: |
- Continue to:
Add one seed bead on the top left (red) string. Add three seed beads on the bottom right (blue) string and crisscross the other (red) string through the last bead you just added.
Continue to add one more new seed bead on the blue string, pass the same blue string through one old bead marked A.
- After this, repeat:
Step 11, step 12, step 11, step 12, step 11, step 12, step 11, step 12.
Step 13: |
- Continue to:
After the repetition above, your blue string should exit the bead marked A. Continue to pass this right blue string down through one old crystal marked B. Add two new seed beads on the top left (red) string, crisscross the other string through the last bead you just added.
- Now repeat step 10 to step 13 for the next level of the bag. The bead you see where you just crisscrossed at represents the bead with the red dot in step 10.
Step 14: |
- After the repetition above, your strings should crisscross at the bead marked with the red dot. Now you shall be sealing up the top of the beaded bag charm with crystals.
- Continue to:
Pass the bottom (red) string, down through one old bead marked
A. Add one new Crystal and pass the same string up through two old beads marked B and
Step 15: |
- Continue to:
Add one new Crystal and pass the red string up through two old beads marked A and
B. Pass the blue string up through two old beads marked
C and
- Repeat this step four more times, adding four more crystals the same way, with the last step ending at the last crystal added (no passing through of old beads needed after you add the last crystal). Do not tie off as you will be continuing to add the bag handle.
Step 16: |
- Continue to:
Add two beads on each side of the sting. Add on both string (together) nine beads, one clasps, nine beads. Separate the two strings and add two beads on each side of the string. Crisscross both strings through one old crystal marked
A. Pass the strings through the piece until they meet and tie off.