The pictorials are illustrated with spaces between beads for a clearer direction, in the actual beading, there should be no spaces.
Beaded Oyster Pearl :
What you need:
1) Glass seed beads size 11/0 silver white color, Pearl size 5mm. 2) Beading string (0.25mm) 3) One head pin and round tip pliers. Always Remember to pull tight on EVERY STEP.
Step 1: |
Cut a piece string around 10 inches long.
- Add five seed beads on the exact center of the string, crisscross the other end through the last added bead.
Make sure this 5 bead ring is centralized at the center of the string.
Step 2: |
- Continue to:
Add four glass seed beads on the left (red) string. Continue to pass the right (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) down through one old bead from step 1 marked A.
Step 3: |
- Continue to:
Add three glass seed beads on the top (black) string. Continue to pass the bottom (red) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked A.
Step 4: |
- Continue to:
Add three glass seed beads on the right (red) string. Continue to pass the left (black) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on) through one old bead from step 1 marked
Step 5: |
- Continue to:
Add three glass seed beads on the bottom (black) string. Continue to pass the top (red) string through the last bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on) through two old beads from step 1 and 2 marked A and B.
Step 6: |
- Continue to:
Add two glass seed beads on the bottom left (red) string. Crisscross the other string (black) through both beads you just added.
Step 7: |
- Continue to:
On the left (black) string: Add one new seed bead, pass the same string through two old beads marked A and B. Add one new seed bead, pass the same string through two old beads marked C and D. Add one new seed bead, pass the same string through two old beads marked E and F. Add one new seed bead, pass the same string through two old beads marked G and H. Add one last seed bead and tie off, string the excess string back through the piece for a more secure knot.
- Now repeat step 1 to 7 and make one more half sphere that you have just finished.
Step 8: |
- After finishing another piece of half sphere, take a piece of short string and pass it through the last seed bead added on each of the half sphere and tie off.
Step 9: |
- Adding the center pearl:
Take one head pin, add on the 5mm pearl, followed by passing the tip of the head pin up through the center of the top flap of the two joined half sphere you have just created in step 8.
Using a wire cutter cut away excess head pin, leaving only around one centimeter of head pin sticking out the top, using pliers, bent this part of the head pin in a 90 degree angle.
Using a round tip pliers, curl the head pin from tip inwards to form a closed ring as shown.