The pictorials are illustrated with spaces between beads for a clearer direction, in the actual beading, there should be no spaces.
Beaded Crystal Christmas Tree Charm:
What you need:
1) 3mm and 4mm Green and Brown Crystals (include some random color 3mm and 4mm color beads and
crystals - also one 5 or 6mm green crystal) 2) Jump rings, head pins and charm hooks. Pliers.
Always Remember to pull tight on EVERY STEP.

Step 1: |
Cut a piece of string around one meter long:
Add one 3mm green crystal, one random 3mm or 4mm color bead or crystal, one 3mm green crystal, one random 3mm or 4mm color bead or crystal, one 3mm green crystal and one random 3mm or 4mm color bead or crystal. Continue to pass the string through the first crystal added on this step.
Step 2: |
Continue to:
Add one 4mm green crystal, one random 3mm or 4mm color bead or crystal and one 4mm green crystal on the right (black) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) down through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).
Step 3: |
Continue to:
Add one 3mm green and one 4mm green crystal on the top (red) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) down through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).
Step 4: |
Continue to:
Add one random 3mm or 4mm color bead or crystal and one 4mm green crystal on the left (black) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) down through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).

Step 5: |
Continue to:
Add one 3mm green and one 4mm green crystal on the left (red) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) through one old bead from step 1 (marked A).

Step 6: |
Continue to:
Add one random 3mm or 4mm color bead or crystal and one 4mm green crystal on the bottom (black) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) through two old beads (marked
A and B).
Step 7: |
Continue to:
Add one 3mm green crystal to crisscross both strings through.
Step 8: |
Continue to:
Add three 4mm green crystals on the bottom (black) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) through one old bead (marked
Step 9: |
- Continue to:
Add two 4mm green crystals on the right (red) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) through one old crystal (marked
Step 10: |
- Continue to:
Add two 4mm green crystals on the top (black) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) through one old crystal (marked
Step 11: |
Continue to:
Add two 4mm green crystals on the left (red) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) through one old crystal (marked
Step 12: |
Continue to:
Add two 4mm green crystals on the left (black) string. Crisscross the other string through the last crystal added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new crystals and beads on this step) through two old crystals (marked A and B).
Step 13: |
Continue to:
Add one 4mm green crystal to crisscross both strings through.
Step 14: |
Continue to: (you will be adding random 3mm or 4mm color bead or crystal on this step - preferably 4mm ones)
Add one bead on the top right (red) string, pass the string through one old bead marked A. Keep repeating what you just did, adding bead and passing through old crystals. Tie off when the two strings meet.
Step 15: |
Christmas tree trunk (cut a short piece of string):
Add three 3mm brown crystals and one 4mm brown crystal to make one beaded ring. Continue to add two 3mm brown crystals on the top string and one 4mm brown crystal on the bottom string. (repeat this twice). Add one 3mm on the top string, one 4mm brown crystal on the bottom string, pass the top string back down the first crystal added on this step. Tie off.
If unsure of how to do this, please refer to
this tutorial.
Step 16: |
Putting the Christmas tree together:
Take one long head pin, insert the trunk, follow by a insert bead for the Christmas tree body, follow by the Christmas tree body, follow by one 5mm or 6mm green crystal and follow by one last clear 3mm crystal. Cut away excess head pin wire (leaving only around 1 centimeter). Use a flat tip pliers, bent the wire at an 90 degree angle, use a round tip pliers, curl the wire from tip inwards to form a closed ring. You can add charm hook, pendant hook or even make one more as earrings.