Step 1: |
- Cut one piece of string around 1 meter long.
Add five silver white seed beads and crisscross the other end of the string through the last added bead (shown where both arrows are coming out from). Remember to move this beaded circle to the middle of the string.
- Before continuing the beading, make the bone of the umbrella first:
Take a long head pin, add 6 seed beads, add the bead circle that you just made in step 1 (through the center of the bead circle you made), add 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm pearls, add two 3mm pearls, add 10 to 13 seed beads (depending on how long you want you umbrella handle to be), add on the crimp bead, crimp it close.
- Cut away excess pin metal.
- Bend the top of the head pin with beads into a semi circle to form the handle of the umbrella.
- With the beaded circle in the middle, continue the next step and bead upwards.
Step 2: |
- Continue by:
Adding on the left (black) string, one long rice pearl, two seed beads and one long rice pearl, crisscross the right (red) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add beads on) down through the one bead (marked A).
Step 3: |
- Continue to:
Add on the top (red) string, two glass beads and one long rice pearl, crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add beads on) down through the one bead (marked A).
- Repeat this exact step two more times.
Step 4: |
- After repeating step 3 two more times, pass the string that you used last to add beads on further through two bead and pearl (marked A and
- Continue by:
Adding two seed beads on the bottom (black) string and crisscross the top (red) string through both of the beads you just added.
Step 5: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom (red) string, one rice pearl bead, two seed bead and one rice pearl bead, crisscross the top (black) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the red string through the two beads on it's adjacent right (marked
A and
Step 6: |
- Continue to:
Add on the left (black) string, two seed beads, one rice pearl bead, crisscross the right (red) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the black string through the two beads (marked A
and B).
- Repeat this exact step 2 more times.
Step 7: |
- After repeating step 6 two more times, pass the string that you used last to add crystals on further through beads and pearl (marked A,
B and C)
- Continue by:
Adding two seed beads on the right (red) string and crisscross the left (black) string through the last added one bead.
Step 8: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom (black) string, one rice pearl, one seed bead and one rice pearl, crisscross the top (red) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the black string through one bead (marked
Step 9: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom (red) string, one seed bead and one rice pearl, crisscross the top (black) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the red string through one bead (marked A).
- Repeat this exact step 7 more times.
Step 10: |
- After repeating step 9 seven more times, pass the string that you used last to add beads on further through bead and pearl (marked A
and B)
- Continue by:
Adding one seed bead on the right (red) string and crisscross the left (black) string through the last added bead.
Step 11: |
- Continue to:
Add on the right (black) string, two seed beads and one rice pearl, crisscross the left (red) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the black string through one bead (marked A).
Step 12: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom (red) string, two seed beads and one rice pearl, crisscross the top (black) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the red string through one bead (marked A).
- Repeat this exact step 7 more times.
Step 13: |
- After repeating step 12 seven more times, pass the string that you used last to add beads on further through bead and pearl (marked A
and B)
- Continue by:
Adding two seed beads on the right (red) string and crisscross the left (black) string through the last added bead.
Step 14: |
- Continue to:
Add on the right (black) string, one rice pearl, two seed beads and one rice pearl, crisscross the top (black) string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the black string through one bead (marked A and B).
- Repeat step 6 eight more times.
- Follow by repeating step 7 one time.
Step 15: |
- Continue to:
Add one 3mm pearl, two seed beads and one 3mm pearl on the top right (black) line, crisscross the other end (red) of string through the last added pearl. Continue to pass the string that you just used to add new beads on through two beads (marked
A and B).
- Continue to:
Repeat step 6 eight more times. (but replace the rice pearls with 3mm pearls)
- Continue to:
Repeat step 7 one more time. (but replace the rice pearls with 3mm pearls)
- Your beading should cover the biggest pearl (8mm) entirely, if it's too short and the biggest pearl can still be seen, repeat step 15 again.
- Tie off and string the remaining thread back through the piece for a more secure knot.
- Add a hook and you can hang it as a charm or decoration.