Step 1: |
- Cut one piece of string around 1 meter long.
Add five transparent 3mm crystal and crisscross the other end of the string through the last added bead (shown where both arrows are coming out from). Remember to move this beaded crystal circle to the middle of the string.
Step 2: |
- Continue by:
Adding on the left (red) string, one 3mm, two 4mm and one 3mm transparent crystals, crisscross the right (black) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add crystals on) up through the one 3mm crystal (marked 1).
Step 3: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom (black) string, two 4mm and one 3mm transparent crystals, crisscross the top (red) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add crystals on) up through the one 3mm crystal on the left (marked 1).
- Repeat this exact step two more times.
Step 4: |
- After repeating step 3 two more times, pass the string that you used last to add crystals on further through two 3mm crystals (marked A and B)
- Continue by:
Adding two 4mm transparent crystal on the top (red) string and crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the red string (the one you just used to add new crystal on) through a 4mm crystal marked 1.
Step 5: |
- Continue to:
Add on the left (black) string, four 4mm transparent crystals, crisscross the right (red) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the black string through the two 4mm crystals on it's adjacent right (marked 1
and 2).
Step 6: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom left (red) string, three 4mm transparent crystals, crisscross the top right (black) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the red string through the two 4mm crystals on it's adjacent top (marked 1
and 2).
- Repeat this exact step 2 more times.
Step 7: |
- After repeating step 6 two more times, pass the string that you used last to add crystals on further through three 4mm crystals (marked A, B and C)
- Continue by:
Adding two 4mm transparent crystal on the top (black) string and crisscross the bottom (red) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the black string (the one you just used to add new crystal on) through a 4mm crystal marked 1.
Step 8: |
- Continue to:
Add on the top (red) string, one 3mm and one 4mm transparent crystals, crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the red string through the two 4mm crystals on it's adjacent right (marked 1
and 2).
Step 9: |
- Continue to:
Add on the bottom left (black) string, one 3mm transparent crystal, crisscross the top right (red) string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the black string through the two 4mm crystals on it's adjacent top (marked 1
and 2).
- Repeat this exact step 2 more times.
Step 10: |
- After repeating step 9 two more times, pass the string that you used last to add crystals on further through four 4mm crystals (marked A, B, C and D)
NOTE: if you want to place the red 8mm crystals inside the apple, do it now!
- Continue by:
Adding one 3mm transparent crystal on the top (red) string and crisscross the bottom (black) string through the last added crystal.
Continue to pass the string through the five 3mm crystal circle you have now at the bottom of the apple and tie off. To make the knot more secure, string the excess string back through the piece a few step back before cutting away excess.
Step 11: |
- Cut a new piece of string, form a crystal circle of five green 3mm crystals like what you did in step 1.
- Continue to add three 3mm green crystals on the right (black) string, crisscross left (red) string through the last added crystal. Pass black string further through adjacent bottom crystal.
Step 12: |
- Continue to:
Add two 3mm green crystals, crisscross the other end of string through the last added crystal. Continue to pass the string that you just used to add new crystals through one green 3mm crystal on the right.
- Continue to:
Add one 3mm green crystal on each side of the string (total of 2), add one last green crystal to crisscross both string through.
- Tie this leaf onto the *top of the crystal apple and tie off, you can now add on a jump ring to hang this as a charm or pendant.
* the top of the apple is where you started off in step 1.