The pictorials are illustrated with spaces between beads for a clearer direction, in the actual beading, there should be no spaces.
Beaded Key Heart :
What you need:
1) Glass seed beads, I use size 11/0 but you can use any constant sizes. (silver white and beige) 2) Beading string (0.25 mm) 3) Optional - Phone Charm Hook. Always Remember to pull tight on EVERY STEP.
PDF version help contributed by Marilyn Southmayd |
Step 1: |
Cut a piece string around half meter long.
- Add two beige and two silver beads at the center of the string, crisscross both strings through the last added silver bead.
Make sure this beaded 4 bead ring is centralized at the center of the string.
Step 2: |
- Continue to:
Add two beige and one silver beads on the left (red) string. Crisscross the other string (black) thorough the last silver bead added.
Step 3: |
- Continue to:
Add two beige and one silver beads on the top (black) string. Crisscross the other string (red) thorough the last silver bead added. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on this step) through one old silver bead from step 1 (Marked A).
Step 4: |
- Continue to: (use only one side of the string on this step)
Add two silver and two beige beads on the bottom (black) string, cross this same string through the first silver bead added on this step (Marked A).
Step 5: |
- Continue to:
Add one silver bead to crisscross both lines through.
Step 6: |
- Continue to:
Add one beige bead on the top (black) string. Add two silver beads on the bottom (red) string. Continue to pass the top (black) string through the last silver bead added.
Step 7: |
- Continue to:
Add three silver beads on the bottom (black) string, pass the other string (red) through the last silver bead added.
Step 8: |
- Continue to:
Add two beige and one silver beads on the left (black) string, pass the other string (red) through the last silver bead added.
Step 9: |
- Continue to:
Add two beige and one silver beads on the top (red) string, cross this bottom (black) string through the last silver bead added, continue to pass the red string (the one you used to add new beads on this step) through two old beads Marked A and B.
Step 10: |
- Continue to: (use only one side of the string on this step)
Add two beige beads on the right (black) string, continue to pass this black string up and around four old beads marked A,
B, C and D.
Step 11: |
- Continue to:
Add two beige and one silver beads on the right (black) string, cross the left (red) string through the last added silver bead. Continue to pass the black string (the one you used to add new beads on this step) through two old beads Marked A and B.
Step 12: |
- Continue to:
Add one silver bead to crisscross both lines through.
Step 13: |
- Continue to:
Add one beige on each side of the string (total of 2) add one more silver bead to crisscross both lines through.
- Repeat this step exactly one more time!
Step 14: |
After repeating the above step one more time, work this step with only one side of the string.
- Continue to:
Add one silver and three beige beads on the left (red) string, remember to pass this same string down through the first silver bead added in this step.
Step 15: |
- Continue to:
Add one beige and one silver beads on the top right (black) string, crisscross the other end (red) through the last silver bead added.
- After this you need to repeat step 13 one time.
Step 16: |
After repeating step 13 one more time, work this step with only one side of the string.
- Continue to:
Add one silver and two beige beads on the left (red) string, remember to pass this same string down through the first silver bead added in this step.
Step 17: |
- Continue to:
Add one beige and one silver beads on the right (black) string, crisscross the other end (red) through the last added silver bead.
Step 18: |
- Continue to:
Add three beige beads on the left (black) string, tie a dead knot together with the other red string and pass the excess back through the piece for a more secure knot.
- Now repeat step 1 to step 18 and make one more exact piece of heart key.
Step 19: |
- Joining the two pieces to form a 3D Heart key!
Cut a piece of string around half a meter long. Add one beige bead at the exact middle of this string (shown marked with the red dot). Pass each end of the string through one bead from each side of the heart key as shown.
- Now you can keep adding one beige bead in each gap to crisscross the strings and pass each side of the string up through the next old bead on each piece of the heart key.
Keep doing this adding of beads, crisscrossing and passing through until you go one round around the rim of the heart keys and come back up to the first beige bead you added (marked with the red dot) when you reach this first beige bead, crisscross both strings through it again and tie off.
- You can now add a jump ring or hook to hang as pendant, earring or charm.